Java developer


Java developer

Java is one of the most popular programming languages used by software developers all over the world! Becoming one of them is a great idea. That is why we have created a Java developer course that can transform you into a junior Java developer. You will find yourself in a unique community of experienced programmers – people who cannot imagine their lives without modern IT innovations and the latest technologies. And skillful lecturers will motivate you to dive deeper into the unique world of Java coding.

This course will be interesting for

  • software testers who want to become developers;
  • students of different directions who decided to try themselves in programming;
  • developers who have enough time and determination to change their profession.

The main advantages of the course:

  • mentors – practicing developers with extensive teaching experience;
  • emphasis on practical application of knowledge;
  • checking individual homework and feedback from the mentor;
  • 24/7 support from teachers, Q&A after each lesson and chats for discussions with all the necessary resources.

Upon completion of the course, you will have junior-level knowledge and experience: an understanding of programming to continue improving your skills in any area of development and testing. You will learn to work with multithreading, write web applications, work with a database, write tests for your code. This knowledge will be enough to offer your services as a developer for various IT projects.


  1. JDK, JVM, JRE, primitives & debugging
  2. Git
  3. Conditional statements & Arrays
  4. Classes & Methods
  5. OOP (Inheritance & Encapsulation)
  6. OOP (Polymorphism)
  7. Interfaces ,Abstract classes, Enums
  8. Generics & List
  9. Map & Set
  10. Functional Interfaces & Stram API
  11. Exception Handling and Optional
  12. MultiThreading
  13. HTTP & Web
  14. SQL Basics
  15. JDBC
  16. Spring IoC
  17. Hibernate
  18. Spring Boot
  19. Spring Data
  20. Layered Architecture + Rest API
  21. Lombok, Object Mapper, DTO
  22. Spring Security
  23. Unit testing


  • Understanding of mathematics at the high school level.
  • Ability to think abstractly.
  • Availability of your own laptop.
  • Programming experience is desirable but not required.